Saturday 12 December 2009

We're on the up!

Wolves' first win at White Hart lane since 1973 this afternoon made it two wins in two and ultimately six points in six.

We're now out of the relegation zone and this is down to two reasons. Nenad Milijas and our superb defence.

I will come back to the defence later but first of all Milijas. We have been lacking an awful lot of quality in the midfield and I have been quite vocal in my thoughts on our midfield needing to be grabbed by the scruff of the neck. Milijas set up both goals at Stoke in October and Mick McCarthy has eventually realised that he needs to be starting if we are getting to get anything out of the games.

A superb 30-yard strike and a clever free-kick setting up Jody Craddock gave us the three points against Bolton last week. This afternoon the Serbian midfield genius swung in a delightful free-kick from the left for Kevin Doyle to get the deftest of flicks on to score. The delivery was magical and beat the Tottenham defence all ends up. This man has got quality and I think Mick has finally realised that Milijas is the one winning us points and showing his commitment to the relegation cause.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that we could have been dead buried by now. As well as the major role the Serb has had to play in the last two wins, he also played his part in the draw at Stoke plus the goal he set up for Keogh in our first win of the season. This amounts to ten points and how we needed them or we could be sitting on an embarrassing six points now.

I now want to focus on the defence in our last wins and the introduction of Marcus Hahnemann. Mick and Jez Moxey made it quite clear in the summer that they wanted experienced Premiership players and in Hahnemann they got that. The 37-year-old 'Keeper has brought the experience we need to the back line.

Wayne Hennessey has been excellent so far this season but he doesn't have the experience or confidence to 'bully' and organise the defence meaning Berra and Craddock have looked shaky of late. Mick saw he needed Hahnemann in their to sort out a leaky defence.

This was brilliantly highlighted today. A third minute goal by Doyle meant 87 minutes of defending. This was daunting to say the least with a goal difference of -14. We defended superbly. Hahnemann made a couple of great saves but more importantly he organised the defence. Every man knew what he was doing and that meant Spurs hardly had a chance on goal. I'm sure Berra and Craddock will feel a lot more confident with a Keeper who had been there and done it and in turn they will respond better to taking instructions of Hennessey than a relatively inexperienced 22-year-old.

A solied and experienced keeper has tightened up the defence and this has been a major factor in us recording back-to-back victories and a vital six points.

An away win against a free scoring Spurs seemed very unlikely but this has hopefully given us the confidence to get something at Man United on Tuesday night which now doesn't seem quite as unlikely.

Up the Wolves!

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